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4 Reasons Why Your Water May Be Discolored

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Is discolored water OK to drink?

If you turn on your faucets and discover that you have discolored water in your home or office, there could be several reasons for it. The main thing is not to panic and to take a methodical approach to solving it. 

Of course, if you’re in Atlanta, Georgia, don’t hesitate to call Cowboy Plumbers for all your plumbing needs. When it comes to water discoloration, one very important question is one dealing with safety.

Is It Safe To Drink Discolored Water?

Generally speaking discolored water from deposits of sediment is safe to drink. Although it may not look healthy and might even have a slight odor, consumption of discolored water is unlikely to cause any problems.

Of course, the truth is that discolored water could be so unsightly that you don’t want to drink it.

But you may be wondering what’s the cause of the water discoloration in your plumbing system. Let’s get to it.

Here’s Why Your Sink Or Shower Water May Be Discolored

Here are some reasons why your water coming from your sink or shower may be discolored.

1. Roots

The root systems of certain trees may proliferate and break through your piping systems underground, causing dirt and other sediment to contaminate your water line.

When this happens, the water in your sink may be brown or reddish like the clay inside the ground. 

2. A Water Main Break

Water main breaks in your local community could well be the cause of brownish or grayish water coming from your pipes. 

Want to be sure? Call your local municipality and ask them of any activity in your neighborhood.

3. Water System Treatment Issues

Speaking of your local municipality, sometimes there may be some water discoloration issues if they are using a new method to treat the water.

These water system issues typically resolve themselves in the course of maintenance by the municipality.

4. High Community Usage

Some water systems may become taxed when there’s high usage from the community. If you think about it, it’s very likely that several neighbors could be washing their cars and watering their lawns at the same time.

This kind of demand could cause temporary discoloration due to the system working hard to pump water to local homes and businesses.

What Can You Do To Solve The Issue?

Well, what are you going to do? Here’s how to fix water discoloration in your home.

In some instances, the water will still be discolored hours or days after you’ve tried to fix the situation. That’s when it’s time to get a professional plumber involved.

Cowboy Plumbers specializes in service calls dealing with just that type of problem. Our licensed plumbers and drain specialists do the job right the first time, so you don’t have to worry.

Call now for an instant consultation to get the job taken care of. 470-659-1764.

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